518-441-3659 info@roofscaninc.com

Construction Documentation

Detailed documentation of materials, thicknesses, attachment methods, and structural deck systems.

When the roof makeup is unknown, or when old documents need to be confirmed, Construction Documentation through core sampling can provide the necessary information on the existing conditions of a roof to make informed decisions for the future.  By taking small core samples from the top of the membrane to the structural deck, we can provide a detailed description of the existing materials, their thicknesses and attachment methods, as well as the structural decking type for virtually any roof area.  The cores are infilled and then patched to ANSI and ASTM standards for all membrane types. We haven’t had one fail yet!

Multiple core samples can be taken on a single roof area to confirm the presence of a tapered insulation system and could be used to determine the maximum and minimum thicknesses of the insulation, if possible.

*This service may not be available for roofs currently under warranty.


Construction Documentation includes…

  1. Core sampling
    • Cutting and patching of all core locations
    • Roof top identification of all core samples in marking paint
  2. Written report including
    • Numerical designation of all roof areas and core samples
    • Material identification
    • Material thickness
    • Attachment method
    • Structural deck type
  3. Color CAD drawing including
    • Roof plan to scale of all roof areas by numerical designation
    • Locations of all core samples by numerical designation
  4. PDFs and two hard copies of report and drawing

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Asbestos Sampling and Testing

Roof top sampling of suspect building materials by licensed inspectors and testing by a certified laboratory facility.

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Contact Us

72 Phillips Rd, Valley Falls, NY 12185

